Painting descriptions by Fr. Nathan Zodrow, OSB.

Flight into Egypt
Framed: 12″ x 13.5″ | Gouache on Paper | Signed: Lambert-Rucki 60
Two figures representing the Mother of God and the Child Jesus sit astride a donkey being led uphill by St. Joseph to safety in Egypt. The solid black background is sprinkled with white stars, reminiscent of the night sky of Bethlehem. The vibrant colored grasses and flowers suggest that nature itself recognizes the Messiah and offers praise and welcome along the journey.

Christ Child in the Cradle
Framed: 11.75″ x 9″ | Gouache on Paper | Signed: Lambert-Rucki
Mary sits to the right of the Christ Child. The background is blue gray with white stars. Three birds sit on a gray structure while the bright white star of Bethlehem shines on the child. Among the unusual aspects of this piece is its coloration, i.e., Mary dressed in vibrant green, and the child in a pattern of gray and white. These changes, among others, suggest a breaking away from the typical code of iconographic meaning established over the centuries in both East and West.

The Nativity of Jesus
Framed: 17.5″ x 11.5″ | Gouache on paper | Signed: Lambert-Rucki
A white and black gouache drawing depicting the Holy Family being serenaded by a man with a flute. The abstract rendering of a stable is occupied by a mule, cow, and three black birds. At the upper left is a black circle containing a white seven-point star directed toward the stable rather than the Christ Child. The piece is heavily influenced by Surrealism and Cubism.

Adoration of Christ Child with Animals
Framed: 12.5″ x 9.5″ | Gouache on paper | Signed: (L-R) Lambert-Rucki
This strong graphic is set against a black background with a white star and rays pointing to Jesus. Figures of a donkey in the background and an ox standing in the foreground dominate the piece. Interestingly, the Christ Child raises his left hand in blessing from the manger. Blessings are normally given with the right hand while the left hand is over the chest. Could Jesus simply be showing affection to the donkey with his left hand?
Mary with Child Seated on Her Lap
Framed: 16″ x 9.5″ | Gouache on paper | Signed:Lambert-Rucki
This painting captures Mary and the Child Jesus seated on a stylized bench in fine patterned clothing. Mary, with raised arms, looks lovingly on the child. Both Mary and the Child Jesus have outstretched arms in the orans position (i.e., the position of liturgical prayer). A green and white bird is located slightly above and to the left of Mary giving the impression of announcing news. The background is black with white stars, including the star of Bethlehem.

Mary with Child Enthroned
Framed: 9″ x 6.5″ | Gouache on paper | Signed:Lambert-Rucki
Stylized line drawing of Mary and the Child Jesus both sitting on the throne of heaven with arms outstretched in prayer and blessing. The main image is flanked to the left by a bird and to the right by a kneeling angel indicating the integration of heaven and earth. The child is wearing a decorated blue garment against a black background.